Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Way Too Long, But No Time to Tell

Okay, I know it's way too long since I last wrote what we've been up to (try a month exactly), but I am a little short on time to tell it all now.  For one thing, I have a major paper looming ahead of me.  The other major reason is that I haven't got all my pix downloaded from my camera.  It's so much more fun to tell what we've been doing with pix!

In a quick nutshell, however, we spent most of the early part of July preparing to go to State Babe Ruth baseball.  Yep, that's right.  "Oh hon, we will be done with summer ball by the 4th of July" turned into the 24th of July.  However, these are all boys that I have taught in some way (subbing or job-sharing) in the last 3 years, so I was really excited to see them make it.  We were really outnumbered and outsized at State.  We played in the 15 yr olds and we had 13-15 yr olds on our team.  Plus the teams we played were 3A and 4A schools!  I thought our boys did really well considering all that was going on and the level of competition they were up against.  Some of the other teams were even cheering us on because we were the "little" guy.  I love underdogs and this team did a great job.  AT was dying to be in the dugout with them but maybe next year he can be the bat boy.  He loves hanging out with his baseball buddies.  Good job boys and can't wait to watch you next spring!

Like I said, there are a few more adventures we have been on, but I want to be able to post pix with them.  I will try to put that on my list of things to do so I can keep you all current.  Hope all is going well with you!

Enjoy your day!

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