Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just Another Week

I wish I could say there was something amazing that happened this week. However, it was just another week. Well, that's not entirely true. It was the first week back to school for everyone. In fact, Monday morning the alarm felt like a really bad dream. We all seemed to sluggishly pull ourselves back into the regular routine we were used to before break. (For those of you shaking your head offering no sympathy since we are coming off a two week break, I totally understand and respect your right to continue shaking.)

I wish I had more to report . . . I'm thinking . . . can't you hear the noise as the wheels in my brain turn? T and AJ went pheasant hunting this week. Jake decided to start his old routine of getting out of the backyard and going to visit the neighborhood dogs again (much to my dismay). Our house (the rental) will be back on the market soon. The renter had wanted to buy it, but decided it wasn't going to work for her. If you are local and know anyone looking for a nice house, give us a call (shameless plug, I know, but you have to do what you have to do).

I guess that's the extent of our week. This week should be fairly busy but I will try to remember more of what happened. However, I was going to try to post each week and so far, I'm right on track. (Even if it wasn't much of a post.)

Enjoy your day!

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