Monday, June 22, 2009

Yard Makeover

I had written that between school getting out and VBS, life was just keeping us busy. We have also added swim team, swim lessons, and these projects:

This is the new sod out front between the road in front of our house and the main highway. It's been a weed patch for the last 4 yrs and we finally have gotten motivated. We also planted some fast-growing trees out there so that we have a windbreak and some privacy. It will be nice to not have to see the road all the time.

However, if you are wondering where all that sod came from, here's a look at what we've been doing in the backyard.
We bought these trees a couple of years ago at a local nursery sale and just planted them in our old garden until we knew what we were doing with them. We finally figured it out. The above picture is along our west fence line. Can't wait for them to get big so we can have a little more shade.
This picture (is not the greatest) but is of the back fence to the north and more trees. My poor husband's (and mine a little) back has to be killing him from lugging the sod and digging holes.

However, our ultimate goal was to have a garden (and not the puny remnants you see of the old one below). We have a much larger garden and the kids had planted seeds in a starter box two weeks ago, so we had green growing things to get in the ground. (So poetic, aren't I?)

My husband's goal for the last two years is to have a more substantial garden and he is thrilled to say the least. It will be so good to have fresh veggies again!

(What's left of the old garden)
Well between all the other stuff that's been going on, these are some major yard projects we are crossing off our lists. I might be adding some more to mine. I was going to put rock down between all the trees (thanks for the tip on where to find it, MK) but in the spirit of my great-grandma and my father, I think my green thumb is kicking in. I'm thinking flowers (perennials of course) between all the trees would add some great color to the backyard. It might mean a year or two of weeding until they all take over, but might be worth it. Besides, if it doesn't work, I can always rip out the flowers and put rock in. It's much harder to go the other way.
Well, that was quite the rambling paragraph. Guess that must mean I'm getting tired. Here's to hoping I'm back on track for keeping everyone posted. (ha ha ha, how many times have I said that before!)
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

Great ideas for your yard. Mine has turned into a huge weed patch this year because I haven't worked in it like I should! You make me feel so guilty, but seriously it looks great.