Well, leave it to me. A sick kid turns into a house cleaning party. We've had a busy last few days and I'm not sure if AJ just was out in the sun too long or caught the 24 hr bug that was going around. Either way, I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't get much good sleep last night. What is it about that? Once that happens, you can't get back to a sound sleep because it's like one ear is listening for any more commotion. Some nights I'd like to be the dad (at least in my house, I don't know about yours). He just sleeps through it all. Well, that's not entirely true of last night. He did wake up the first time and then decided that I had it all under control so I didn't need any more assistance. I still remember one time when AJ was like 2, she woke up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder. Apparently she was having a night terror (I think that's what it was called). She was awake and screaming for Mommy, but wasn't awake because she didn't believe I was Mommy. Talk about scare the living anything out of you. Well, T slept through the whole thing! I couldn't believe it. Good thing nothing serious was happening. He's gotten a little better through the years, but it's frustrating to those of us who like our sleep, but have to get in line between three kids for it.
Well, that was not where I had intended to go with this post. Sorry about the rambling. Maybe the next will explain why I'm a little punchy.
As I started out saying, house cleaning (ugh!!!!!) Anyone who knows me knows that house cleaning is my absolute least favorite thing to do in the world. Those are the days when I wish I was the kid again and I could just go outside and play. Again, rambling, sorry. Anyway, due to AJ being sick, we did not make church (I sent T he he he), or the bbq or graduation party (again sent T) we were supposed to go to today. So what should have been a very busy day, turned into a nice quiet day (with no house water do to a blown fuse in the pump house and no irrigation water due to a broken irrigation pump) of CLEANING!!! Ugh. My reclamation project so far: the living room is back to normal and the dining room is pretty much too. And believe it or not, along with some laundry, that's as far as I could get. It took me all day for that! (There was some serious sorting and organizing going on, too, not just dusting and vacuuming.) Needless to say this is the first chance all day I've sat down. That's why I'm a little rambly tonight. (Is rambly even a word?)
T did get the irrigation going again (yeah for the garden, sod, and flowers!) and Gpa got the house water going (the whole block was out). The kids are all watching a movie before bed, I'm going to go jump in the shower (yeah, I know ewww, but why get cleaned up to clean?) and then put my feet up. I should go down and quilt.
Speaking of quilts, Thurs night, my friend MK, taught a class on free motion quilting. Was it a blast! I learned so much. She does beautiful work and has quilted some of our quilts we've raffled off for Beta. It was fun to learn because I've been doing hand quilting, but I wouldn't mind something a little faster sometimes. Thanks MK! It's amazing how the older I get, the more I wish I would have paid attention to those things that my Gmas and Aunt A (and you too, Mom) wanted to teach me. (My mom is reading this part and the words "I told you so" are popping into her head as she reads. Love ya, Ma!)
Okay, that's enough rambling for one evening, right? Maybe I'll skip the quilting tonight. My stitches probably won't be straight because my brain is wandering so much, I won't be able to stitch a straight line. ;-) Maybe I will go put my feet up and enjoy a Mike's Float just for the heck of it.
Enjoy your day!!