Monday, March 2, 2009

Rainy Day

Well, I think I'm glad I had to work today and am scheduled to work tomorrow. It was rainy, (but not too cold) today and they are kind of saying it will stick around for the rest of the week. We are loving our new couches! T thought the girls and I did a very good job picking them out. They are comfy and I'm so glad we were able to go with microfiber instead of the vinyl/leather-ish ones. The microfiber is much softer and warmer. So far the kids are being respectful around them.

Poor AJ. She came home from vball and was sitting at the table doing her homework and burst into tears because she got a Refocus at school today. (You all know how she loves school and loves to be good in school; it's just home she has issues!) Needless to say, we reassured her that we were sure it won't happen again, but that sometimes you do get in trouble if you don't listen to the teacher.

Baseball got off to a soggy, chilly start. T said it never did rain on them, but he had tons of layers on because it didn't feel that warm out. That warmer weather is coming, I just know it.

Well, bedtime is looming for three little kids (and myself not too long after them!). Enjoy your evening.

1 comment:

marciekoch said...

hey Jen - found you! Now you can see mine too...I didn't have a chance to set up the blog tonight, but I'll do it...eventually!