Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another All in a Day

Instead of quilting, this time it was the yard.  Here are the before and after from each angle.

                                                                Facing the backyard:

Facing the front yard:

Facing the side of the house:

 We had been meaning (or maybe I mean I had been meaning) to do this all the way around the house this year.  However, my back had other plans.  I didn't get it done, but the bottom of these steps had been worn away by feet walking through the gate and dogs digging in the dirt to get cooler.  T and I decided it was time to take action.  We already had the bricks, pavers, and underlying black weed control stuff.  T bought some rocks yesterday and for less than $20, we are done.  It took us a good 3 or 4 hours to dig it up, level it, and align the pavers, but it was well worth it.  The rest of this around the house won't be so bad because no one will be walking on it so we don't have to worry about leveling it.  I'm so excited to finish the rest next year!


Nichole said...

Looks great!

MyCupisHalfFull:-) said...

That looks absolutely amazing Jenn! Love it! good work

daisiesnlilacs said...

Thanks! Our backs are feeling it today, but it is so worth it. Specially since it is the main way the kids always come in the house. No more dirt!