Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November's Gone Already?

So much for getting better at updating everyone on what we've been up to, right?

I just can't believe that November flew by so fast. Hunting season started and with it a monster has been created. I thought it was bad enough when T would get up at some outrageous hour to go sit out in the cold and shoot at birds. Now he's got AJ all hyped up about it. In fact, over Thanksgiving she actually burst into tears because T had decided they weren't going the next morning. AD I'm sure would love to be included but is a little too young, plus she's like her mother and likes her sleep! (She had to get in on one of the pictures though.)

T actually got a doe over Thanksgiving break, too, but I failed to get a picture of that.

We had a great Thanksgiving break. My SIL made a great turkey and we had tons of food and dessert. The kids loved playing with everyone. It was nice to take some time off and just enjoy being home. Things have been so crazy lately.

In other news, AT is finally getting it. The potty training is coming along really well. It feels really good to avoid the diaper aisle at the store now. I would say he was ready and he is probably late learning, but it's the end result that matters not the time frame. Right? I couldn't resist the other day when he put on his fireman costume and started dancing around. If school doesn't work out for him, at least he could have a job as a future Chippendale dancer?

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

The last picture is hilarious. Yes, I can see a Chippendale future. He looks like he's enjoying himself!!!