Just got back from visiting my folks. It was so great to see everybody and we certainly kept busy.
We met my parents and my brother's family at the Zoo on Thurs. AT thought the giraffes were pretty cool. The kids were able to get up close and personal with some prairie dogs. It was really warm, so most the animals were sleeping, but we pretty much got to see them all. The red panda was neat (that was a new addition to their exhibits). They had a blast!
Mom and I went to a Quilt Walk on Friday. They hung quilts along downtown (outside and inside some of the stores). There were some pretty amazing quilts. It was a lot of fun to see all the different styles of quilting and read some of the histories behind some. Did pick up some fun patterns to try. I know, I know, like I needed more, right? Maybe I should have a "library" to loan out all my quilt books and patterns. ;-)
Both of these things (the Quilt Walk & the Zoo) would have been great photo ops, but of course I kept forgetting to pull my camera out.
The kids enjoyed Gpa's fireworks show in the backyard. Several of the neighbors were shooting off fireworks, too. Ours weren't the same as theirs so there was quite a bit of variety in the neighborhood. We also could see town's fireworks if we stood just right. I think we all came away with cricks in our neck from turning to look at them all!
As nice as vacations are, it sure is nice to come home again. Jake didn't miss us too much. He got to play with two of his puppies as my BIL & SIL stopped by several times. The garden & flowers sure looked good considering we were gone so long. Couldn't have done it without help from Gpa keeping an eye on things.
I only finished one book on the trip (started yesterday and finished last night). Used to be a time when I could polish off a couple in a trip. The girls are pretty self-sufficient in the car, but AT still needs some attention. Can't wait until they can all occupy themselves!
Back to laundry and yard work again. (At least the house was clean to come home to.)
Enjoy your day!